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Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce.
ISSN: 16894898 Year: 2007 Publisher: Gdańsk : Via Medica,

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Adult palliative care for nursing, health and social care
ISBN: 1526465582 1526465590 Year: 2019 Publisher: London : SAGE Publications, Ltd,

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In this far-ranging textbook on palliative and end of life care, John Costello and a team of palliative care specialists take a patient-centred approach. Discussing palliative and end of life care across a range of diseases and illnesses, each chapter includes real-life case studies that focus on both the patient experience and the experiences of the family members of service users. Original in its approach to palliative and end of life care, Adult Palliative Care focuses on a range of non-cancer conditions. Thoughtfully balancing theory with practice, and interprofessional in its scope, Adult Palliative Care would benefit any health professional dealing with or working in the field of palliative and end of life care.

Models and strategies to integrate palliative care principles into care for people with serious illness : proceedings of a workshop
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0309466121 0309466148 Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : The National Academies Press,

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Palliative medicine in practice.
ISSN: 25451359 Year: 2018 Publisher: Gdańsk, Poland : VM Medica-VM Group,

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Palliativmedizin und betäubungsmittelrecht : Möglichkeiten und grenzen
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Die Etablierung palliativmedizinischer Versorgungsstrukturen im ambulanten Bereich hat in den vergangenen Jahren die ärztliche Betreuung von Palliativpatienten deutlich verändert. Eine an den spezifischen Bedürfnissen schwerstkranker Patienten orientierte Versorgung im häuslichen Umfeld erfordert es, bestehende gesetzliche Regelungen zu hinterfragen, anzupassen oder fortzuentwickeln. Kontrovers diskutiert wird, wie das Grundanliegen des Betäubungsmittelrechts -- Schutz der Bevölkerung vor Abhängigkeit und Missbrauch sowie Sicherstellung der notwendigen medizinischen Versorgung -- mit dem palliativmedizinischen Selbstverständnis der Gewährung einer bestmöglichen Behandlung von Schmerzpatienten in Einklang gebracht werden kann. In diesem Spannungsfeld fasst der Band die Beiträge eines Expertenworkshops zusammen, der 2012 von der Klinik für Palliativmedizin sowie dem Zentrum für Medizinrecht der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen veranstaltet wurde. Ergänzt um Beiträge weiterer Autoren werden aktuelle Konfliktbereiche im Verhältnis von (Betäubungsmittel- )Recht und Palliativmedizin aufgegriffen und im interdisziplinären Dialog beleuchtet.

Financial considerations of hospital-based palliative care
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Research Triangle Park, NC : RTI Press,

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Suggestions for Addressing Clinical and Non-Clinical Issues in Palliative Care
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : IntechOpen,

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Data from the World Health Organization indicate that about 40 million people worldwide require palliative care each year. We must face this enormous problem with appropriate welfare policies and training of up-to-date and competent personnel. In this context, a book that collects the experiences of authors with diverse backgrounds, and operating in different settings of palliative care, can be added to the many editorial products on the subject. Over five sections, this volume addresses such topics as palliative care in children, infants, and gynecologic oncology patients; the role of the caregiver; the use of drugs; and ethics, organization, and policy issues. Although this book should not be considered as an exhaustive treatise on palliative care, the many topics covered and the experience and competence of the authors involved make it a useful tool for those who are already experts in the field as well as those who are studying this field.

Les soins palliatifs et l'accompagnement des malades en fin de vie : rapport et propositions pour la généralisation des soins et le soutien des personnes en fin de vie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2110873043 9782110873040 Year: 1994 Publisher: Paris: Ministère des affaires sociales, de la santé et de la ville,

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Suggestions for Addressing Clinical and Non-Clinical Issues in Palliative Care
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : IntechOpen,

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Data from the World Health Organization indicate that about 40 million people worldwide require palliative care each year. We must face this enormous problem with appropriate welfare policies and training of up-to-date and competent personnel. In this context, a book that collects the experiences of authors with diverse backgrounds, and operating in different settings of palliative care, can be added to the many editorial products on the subject. Over five sections, this volume addresses such topics as palliative care in children, infants, and gynecologic oncology patients; the role of the caregiver; the use of drugs; and ethics, organization, and policy issues. Although this book should not be considered as an exhaustive treatise on palliative care, the many topics covered and the experience and competence of the authors involved make it a useful tool for those who are already experts in the field as well as those who are studying this field.

Pour une fin de vie humaine : petit précis de soins palliatifs à domicile
ISBN: 9791037031143 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : Hermann,

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Chacun de nous souhaite finir ses jours chez lui, entouré des siens et dans son lit. En réalité, nous mourons souvent à l'hôpital, la nuit, et seuls. Comment accompagner au mieux quelqu'un vers la mort, à son domicile ? Les médecins et les soignants sont-ils formés pour un tel accompagnement ? Alain Cordier et Roland Lallemand, relatant ici le récit de quelques fins de vie, montrent que cette voie est possible, dans l'attention des personnes malades et le respect de leurs volontés.Ce précis de soins palliatifs à domicile propose de manière simple des éclaircissements et un soutien à l'entourage, en particulier aux aidants naturels. Il s'adresse aux soignants ou futurs soignants, mais aussi à toute personne qui s'interroge sur un « bien mourir » ou un « mieux mourir », aux malades que nous sommes ou serons. Quelle éthique peut guider le médecin engagé dans l'accompagnement de la fin de vie ? Légiférer est-il toujours la bonne réponse aux questions qui se posent ?Ce livre est un livre d'espoir.

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